Hi GNH Family and Community- |
2021 is off and running!!
The pictures above effectively represent how the Eastern world vs. the Western world started their respective New Year’s. One utilized intravenous vitamin C therapy to address serious Coronavirus infections. The other is slowly implementing a vaccine rollout and uses ventilators for its serious cases. Can you guess which is which?
Wuhan is not being irresponsible- rather due to management of serious Coronavirus cases with inclusive and effective therapies- real celebration was allowed. Do I think the newly available coronavirus vaccines enable people to be fully fortified against the Coronavirus?
Check your Coronavirus Immunity Level below |
The closer you are to 100%, the less your symptoms are should you contract it. It also means you’re a low to no spreader because your body will encapsulate the infection, kill it, and you’ll excrete dead viral toxins.
Yes, vaccines are a way to introduce the body to infections while it is in a stronger state to stimulate immunity, and educate the immune system on how to deal with an infection. But, THEY ARE NOT A SHIELD. You can still contract and spread the infection now perhaps more unknowingly because while symptoms are reduced- our generally weaker immune systems do not fully eradicate infections efficiently. |
Remember- Click "See all" above for details about Injected Vaccines |
The new Coronavirus vaccine options include mRNA (messenger RNA) versions- the first ever used on a large scale introduction. This vaccine type, Ladies and Gents, is genetic engineering (using your genetic material to stimulate the immune response). You can't detox this version out- like the old injected vaccine designs. The mRNA vaccines have a snip of the virus strain contained in a nanolipid carrier. The carrier is designed to enter into cells and release the mRNA snip into the cell cytoplasm (cell filler material). It is now free to be read by the cell's ribosome to execute the command to make a Coronavirus protein spike (used normally to penetrate cells). This created protein is then ejected. The T- white blood cells should see the foreign viral matter and mark it with antibodies so body knows what to attack to get rid of. |
Remember- Click "See all" above for details about mRNA vaccines. |
Recommended Holistic Approach |
- Get healthier from the inside out so immune challenges don't cripple you. Clean up your diet and incorporate basic immune boosters zinc, real food vitamin C and spleen-boosting teas (ginger, chai, chamomile, etc.). It is very hard for any infection to penetrate healthy cells.
- Use homeopathic vaccines for the coronavirus available in the office- TODAY. Oral introduction- no side effects. Effective and complete immunity (90% or higher). You become a low/no spreader. These are the same ones used to successfully treat people during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of the 20th century.
- Find where you can get immediate Vitamin C IV therapy should have a non-resolving coronavirus infection. There are 3 practices in Chicago proper, for example.
Check your Coronavirus Immunity Level |
The closer you are to 100%, the less your symptoms are should you contract it. It also means you’re a low to no spreader because your body will encapsulate the infection, kill it, and you’ll excrete dead viral toxins.
Act now- get healthy! |
Schedule with Office Admin-Regina 773-255-6282 OR |
mRNA limits impact of Nutrition Response Testing |
If you have been vaccinated with the mRNA version of the coronavirus vaccine (by Moderna or Pfizer), Nutrition Response Testing may not be the best vehicle to help you. Because the mRNA strand cannot be detoxified from the cell, it is best to first consider shamanic or other energy work to deactivate the mRNAs' production. Once stemmed, Nutrition Response Testing can then help detox, repair and fortify the body to heal.
The information in this document and on the main website is not sanctioned by the FDA nor anyone in the medical community. It is the expressed opinion of Holistic Health Practitioner, Claire Boye-Doe. It is encouraged to do your own research and make your own decisions- this is a summary of my own research and clinical experience.
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